Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa "In this very ancient tradition in which I live, we have a special celebration during pregnancy to honour the soul who arrives on the one hundred and twentieth day after conception, which corresponds to the fourth month of pregnancy, about a month into your second trimester. Before the end of the first trimester, the fetus that supports the soul hasn't been completely fortified, and this is when the majority of miscarriages happen. Before that date, the entering soul is still unaffected by worldly influences, existing only in radiance. When the soul enters the body, a baby's subconscious mind begins to develop and absorb a multitude of messages, the way a dry sponge soaks up water. Usually morning sickness has subsided and we are getting our bearings on life, the waters become more calm. In our homes, the father of the arriving soul, friends and family of the mother organise the celebration so we don't have to do anything. They prepare delicious food, arrange flowers and light candles. They call together members of the community who bring gifts to honour the mother. Singing, poems, and scriptures can be read - whatever they feel the new mother would love - along with plenty of good food served. Everyone prays for her physical, mental and spiritual well-being so she is strong and able to pass those qualities through herself to the baby. At this stage you can connect mentally to your child. With your partner, enjoy this meditation to open the heart chakra, the centre of compassion: Sit in a comfortable cross legged pose. Press your palms together in prayer pose with your elbows lifted and tips of your middle fingers level with your eyebrows. Focus at your Third Eye point, eyes closed. Breathe deeply and evenly, start at 3 minutes and work up to 11 minutes. To end, stretch your body lightly and gently for 2 minutes in whatever way feels comfortable."
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AuthorCarrie Jeff Archives
July 2019