I went into labour around 1 am on the 24th and he was born within 12 hours. We got the birth we were hoping for, completely natural, no interventions or drugs. Just used my breathing and relaxation techniques plus the water bath and some active birth positions for the end stage of delivery.
He took a little over 2 hours to come down after I had fully dilated and I did have to do some pushing right at the end to get him past my pubic bone. My birth breathing just wasn't quite getting him there but I was completely relaxed throughout the whole thing. Brad was an amazing birth partner and kept me on track and we were really lucky with an awesome midwife and the obstetrician. No tears at all so no stitches required. It wasn't easy but it was an amazing experience. We're all doing well and getting accustomed to our new life. So incredibly in awe of him already. Instant love. Hayley & Brad |