I was recommended to Joymamma by a couple of friends and so I enrolled in Carrie's pregnancy yoga class at 30 weeks. It was the best thing I could have done!
Carrie's approach to yoga is amazing. I learnt more from the classes I did with her than from any other instructor and have taken away techniques that I will use for life. Throughout the classes there were constant tips, tricks and hypnobirthing techniques to ensure a calm, easy birth. I also bought the hypnobirthing book and cd from Carrie and practised the relaxation and affirmations every day from 34 weeks. I am certain that my yoga practice and hypnobirthing is the reason I had such an amazing birth. It was super fast (1 1/2 hrs) and relatively calm and pain free - except for the fact that I thought she may be born in the back seat of the car! We managed to make it to hospital, dive in the bath and she was born 5 minutes later. We were ecstatic to welcome Clio Madison @ a healthy 9.4 pounds with no complications & no medical intervention, just as nature intended. So a huge thank you to Carrie for all her wisdom - Luke and I will be forever grateful for our amazing birth experience. Julia, Peregian Springs |