Hello Carrie,
Keith and I are so excited to present out baby girl Amara Noelle Alexander, born 16th August 3:19 am. The birth was quick and smooth, I practised full hypnobirthing the entire time and it was the most amazing experience. I laboured at home for 2 hours and by the time I got to the hospital was fully dilated and her head could be felt. I had a water birth and the nurse I had happened to be a hypnobirthing nurse who guided me through J breathing the entire time, lucky me. I breathed my baby down so easily and perfectly with zero pain relief, all I had the entire time was water from my water bottle, the nurse said it was the best hypnobirth she's ever encountered and I'm now known at the hospital as the amazing hypnobirthing mum who breathed her baby safely down and out haha. Straight after the birth I walked with my baby from the birthing suit to recovery with no assistance, I felt to strong. Thank you sooooo much for teaching as all that you did, I was so relaxed, calm and focused that no one believed I was in labour until I was examined, which made such and amazing experience. Cheers Kaleesha |