Hi Carrie,
Little baby George Edward Briggs was born today on the 28th of December (one day after I predicted) weighing in at 8 pounds and 51 cm long. He was born at 4.50 am, it was a very quick labour at 3 hours 20 minutes, things came on very quickly and everything went very well. It was a drug and intervention free labour and got my wish of a water birth. Jarrod and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, being able to implement hypnobirthing tools and yoga positions. It was a total godsend. I used the balloon visualisation and one of the visualisation exercises we did during the course (visualising a old pine tree forest where I spend a lot of time as a child. The ‘poo’ breathing was fantastic. Lol Thank you again for everything. We can’t wait for you to meet him in the new year. Love Jarrod, Genna and George |