Hi Carrie,
So Friday night just before 7 pm on the 7th of Sept I started having what I thought was a contraction/surge. After being induced for Huntley I was still a little unsure and the weeks leading up to this I kept thinking 'This is it' and it never was. So this time I kept it to myself. I remember putting my thongs at the door and getting a few things ready just in case we had to leave for the hospital. I felt like i needed to take a shower in case I didn't get the chance so I had a quick shower and put Huntley to bed all while having a few more surges. Brett gave me a kiss and said I'm looking forward to the footy tonight' and said said "Ahh I don't think so, pretty sure I'm in labour!'. I don't think he believed me ha ha. My surges were inconsistent but coming quickly. We lay on the bed and put our hypnobirthing recording on and that's as far as the 'Hypnobirthing' went. Brett would rub my back each time I asked and then we decided to time a contraction and they were already 4 minutes apart. Before I knew it my waters broke on the toilet and my body had started pushing almost immediately . At that point I knew we weren't going to make the hospital. We called the hospital and they told Brett to get me off the toilet. They asked to speak to me and then asked if I wanted an ambulance, of course I did! At this point I think Brett still thought we had more time, hmm? He turned on the shower for me which is only a few metres from the toilet but I just never got there. I felt like I could only move to the floor so all of the pillows from our bed went onto the ensuite floor and I moved to my hands and knees. Brett was still on the phone to the hospital and they were telling me to get onto my back to slow things down. I didn't want to move I just rocked from side to side and did what I felt was comfortable. Once I knew the ambulance was on their way I was fine with birthing this bub on our own. After being told throughout my pregnancy he was a big bub I doubted myself for a minute and remember saying 'He's too big.' Before I knew it, Brett had Frankie's head in his hands and was just supporting him out. After a few pushes he was in Brett's arms and I remember saying 'I did it!' ha ha. A few minutes later the ambulance arrived and congratulated us. Once I turned around and held Frankie in my arms I was so happy and proud of us. I saw Brett's face was as white as a ghost and said 'You're a bit pale babe' ha ha. He said I was so calm but I think I just did what needed to be done. All the while Huntley slept through it all. Although it was our second attempt at a hypnobirth that just went far too quickly, we definitely benefited from everything you taught us during our hypnobirthing and active birth class (ok definitely more the active birth class in our case ;) ) so thank you so much! It was a very very special birth and I wouldn't change a thing. After I had another shower the ambulance put me on the stretcher and off the 3 of us went to the hospital. Once we arrived we were 'The couple that just had their baby at home' and got lots of congrats from all of the hospital staff. Frankie was born at 8.20 pm (We only knew this because the hospital were on the phone and wrote down the time he was born) and weighed 3540 grams. Thanks again we will see you in the new year for Mums n bubs yoga. Much Love xx |
It was a very very special birth and I wouldn't change a thing. |