When I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted to see what was available to assist me in having the natural birth I so desired. All I had been told was that it was going hurt like crazy, you loose control and to go for an epidural as soon as possible! This wasn't the experience I was hoping for and I was looking for a way to release the fear I was holding around it all and techniques I could use to help me deliver the baby (if all was safe to) naturally and calmly.
Through referral I came across Hypnobirthing, and after meeting with Carrie my partner and I knew it was exactly what we were looking for. Over the following weeks Chris and I, along with 2 other couples were taught the different stages of labour, what to expect and techniques to assist both of us in the birth of our baby. Carrie was informative, supportive and all round amazing. In the end we both felt empowered and I felt so confident that I literally couldn't wait to give birth! All was going perfectly until I was told that our little one was in breech position. I literally tried every method possible to assist her to turn, and although she would try to, she couldn't get all the way around. At 37 weeks I went into hospital with my partner Chris to see if our obstetrician could turn her. I was really nervous and uncomfortable with it all, but Chris reminded me of all the great techniques Carrie had taught us and I was able to relax completely and our baby girl was able to be turned with ease. At 39+ weeks I went into labour, I felt confident and calm and couldn't wait to experience a natural birth and meet our baby girl. Things however did not go to plan and my easy natural birth turned into a marathon that was physically and emotionally draining. Throughout this process though Chris and I had to make many decisions, with the knowledge we learnt in the Hypnobirthing course we were able to make informed decisions and in the end I was able to deliver our baby girl naturally. Chris throughout it all was able to support me which enabled me to keep my calm where I could, and when I couldn't he had the knowledge and support to assist me to make it through. Throughout the pregnancy and labour, and even now after it all I have used the Hypnobirthing techniques and still continue to use them in daily life. I truly recommend it to any woman and couples looking to empower themselves with knowledge and techniques that will assist you in birthing your baby but also to help give you techniques you can use to keep your calm in times of stress afterwards. Jess and Chris |