I birthed Sydnee Rose in the early hours of Saturday morning August 29. I had the most amazing hypnobirthing experience and still can’t get over it! She didn’t even cry, just like the movies we watched and was completely relaxed, alert and chilled out.
All the hypnobirthing practice really worked (i’m still pinching myself). My labour happened so quickly that I didn’t get a chance to really relax through anything with the meditations and deepening exercises as I was basically straight into 4:1:1. However, the breathing is what pulled me through and knowing how many breaths I needed to get through in each surge. The visualisation of the opening flower and each surge bringing me closer to was also a big part of my strength. I just kept imagining getting through transition and to the pushing stage so I could finally meet her. The best thing about my birth was the sense of empowerment I felt after giving birth so peacefully and naturally. I can not think of other moment in my life which I felt so connected to what it means to be woman and to be a mother... it is such an amazing and humbling feeling. I also was delighted that the 'pushing phase' of labor happened so naturally and effortlessly. Particularly because it was not a painful experience at all and was almost orgasmic! I couldn't believe what my body was doing and it was a nice way to end my labour journey, just before we met our baby girl. I still can’t believe I hypnobirthed and that my birth was nothing but amazing. I feel so empowered by it all and women need to know that it’s so possible! It all just comes down the belief that you can. You were an amazing part of my pregnancy support team, and definitely apart of the my journey to the most amazing birth I have ever had. Claudia |