I was walking around my home with slow and very unpatterned surges. Had been having them for about 2 weeks every morning, and thanks to Hypnobirthing, managed to remain calm and accepting of what my body was doing. When things started warming up a bit toward midday, i finally gave my partner the word to set up the birthing pool. This had to be it...two weeks of this and being a 3rd baby, surely this was it....the surges weren't backing off this time. I think it was still just hard to believe as i was still walking around doing housework, and laughing happy and just so calm. Just casually stopping what i was doing every now and then to lean over the yoga ball and breath.
My midwives and photographer arrived, and i was very apologetic as i still wasnt sure if this was actual labour. As the pool filled up, my 2 little boys played happily outside with my mother, my mother in law sat and knitted baby booties on the couch, and everything just felt so peaceful and homely and beautiful. The yoga ball was just so amazing to lean over during surges, and it was funny how my first reaction was to tense when i felt them coming, but as soon as i relaxed and breathed and let them come, it pushed through that momentary uncomfortable feeling and they were just pressure. Easy. I was trying to keep getting into the pool until the last part of labour, and wasnt quite sure if i would know when to get in. But two surges came that were getting quite uncomfortable now, was feeling a lot harder to relax and concerntrate on breathing. So, now im finally convinced that im in actual labour, and should probably get in the pool. My partner hopped in with me, and my first surge in the pool was stronger and i felt an overwhelming sensation to push. i panicked for a second, and then remembered that this must be where i birth breath.... surges were coming thick and fast and i could feel baby's head moving slowly down (which was amazing as my first two births where prolonged second stages, and felt "stuck" for so long, both around 3 hours of "pushing"). 15 minutes later i was holding my sweet baby girl, and was just in absolute, pure joy. How did that just happen so smoothly and easily? Even though the breathing baby down stage was super uncomfortable, it only lasted 15 minutes!(4 hours all up) Totally bearable! Hypnobirthing has changed my life! I cant speak highly enough of it! My beautiful baby girl is the most relaxed, placid, happy little baby, and i just have the most amazing connection with her that i thank Hypnobirthing for. Thank you to Carrie, for being an absolute amazing teacher, mentor and friend! and thanks to Bron for your stunning photography skills that captured such a special moment!! |