Our beautiful son was born surrounded by love. Martin was amazing as a HypnoBirthing partner, and our midwives were wonderful. I used the water for a while but birthed on land as I always imagined I would. He was posterior almost all the way through labour so I found I needed the gravity! There was about 18 hours of good prelabour and 12 of active labour. Thanks for all your support and wisdom along our journey.
I wholeheartedly recommend Hypnobirthing as part of preparing for birth and for everything that comes afterwards! Our experience of birthing our son at home was amazing, and certainly supported by what we had learnt with Carrie. Hypnobirthing beautifully married in with our positive expectations and trust in birth. I found the breathing techniques essential as they helped me to let go and focus on each moment. My partner was a brilliant support, and hearing him sharing affirmations between surges was so wonderfully calming and encouraging. The whole Hypnobirthing approach felt very natural for us, and it continues to be useful now as we parent this gorgeous little being we've brought into the world. Thanks Carrie for sharing your wisdom and support! Shay & Martin |